18 abril 2013


Ha llegado la hora.

Después de mucho trabajo, es tiempo de mover este proyecto un poco más allá. Los últimos seis años he puesto aquello que más me ha interesado,en este espacio encontré un desahogo y una forma de registrar mi historia en medio de los desiertos y los oasis a donde me condujo el Señor. Poder leer de nuevo cada post fue una experiencia muy buena, reconciliadora. Me ayudó a encontrar el hilo en la madeja que voy devanando. Así, cada avatar se volvió una pieza del gran diseño que he ido construyendo en una "co-producción humano-divina"

Hoy, presento el último post que tendremos aquí. Mudamos el blog, vamos a tener algo un poco más grandecillo, más independiente, ojalá que más creativo también. Una nueva etapa en mi vida requiere un nuevo paso en este querido proyecto. 

Así, querido lector, ésta es mi invitación:



es la nueva casa para las mismas chivas, los triques y hasta el perico. ¿Me acompañas?

07 abril 2013


I am.

Life is indeed a wonderful box of surprises, even when we are not ready or alert

enough to notice.

Long time ago, a shine called my attention in a Sunday mass. I did

not know what it was, or why some people were on their knees before it, but I realized it

had to be important, or else I would not feel as if time had stopped for an instant and

the world had turned around to see it. Having asked for a name to it, I was told “it” was

God, who had decided to be among us because he loved us so much.

I am.

Life is a group of experiences that come and go; taking in what is important and

give it a special place in our existence is up to us.

Later, when I became a teenager, I

wanted to know who I was, and why I came to this world. Looking around I saw more

people like me, wondering about the existence, life, God, death... Something inside me

twirled and my heart felt a pinch I will never forget. It was as if those other people were

hungry and, somehow, I had been called upon to feed them all.

I am.

Life gives us golden days so we can keep up when our sky goes dark.

One day, I

wrote a letter, saying my life –everything I had, everything I was– made sense only if

given up for the youngest. I believed that was meant to be, and I needed to live on a

dream answering a calling received before my birth. I was in love and thought it would

never end. Bright days indeed.

I am.

Life has rainy days, when everything loses its taste, its light, its sense, because we

need to learn something never changes in this mutating reality.

One day, I wrote

another letter saying I was so disappointed about my dream –rather, the way reality

had crushed it– that I could not stand living it anymore. Not knowing how it had

happened, or even worse, having lost my own being, my inner strength, I decided it

was time to leave, move on, and find happiness elsewhere.

I am.

Life is a patient teacher and it shows us what we do not want to see over and over

until we learn the lesson.

Crisis did not finish with my resign. It haunted me because I

needed to find a way to rebuild who I was. It took me some time to understand what

had happened, how my own blindness had misguided and taken me to a place where

I did not completely belong.

I am.

Life never hesitates on allowing us to fall down because we were designed not to

be defeated and dark, but to go up and shine.

Little by little my heart came from a cold

and judgmental scheme to a warm and open existence. Shown how nobody is

flawless, my heart could feel real hope, love, faith... I sang my song again.

I am.

Life is all about being open, thankful, loving and over all: happy. When rainy days

come, golden days follow

. Noticing this endless cycle helped me acknowledge my

own existence as a continuous flowing. I again felt called to flow along with the whole

universe in the same eternal song.

I am.

Life is all those people who share dreams and intentions with us, who walk with us

for a while on the same road, and later walk away on their own paths, leaving us


. Suddenly, people became the perfect way by which life showed me I was

alive, I had something to give away, to share, to spread. Without the other, we are not.

Thankfulness for all those who had walked with me flooded my heart as a balm.

I am.

Life is a powerful calling for love

. One day, I wrote one more letter. This time,

having surrendered my soul to the mightiest force –love– all my being was urged to

reply and say, “Here I am” because I have been loved. This experience reoriented my

existence and got me to cheerfully embrace an adventure I truly ignore in detail, but I

want to live for.

I am.

Life is circular

. Here I am. Living a dream I had refused some time ago. I am

thankful for all those experiences which helped me open my heart to Life. I want to give

myself and tear my heart so everyone can fit in. Even when it looks like the same place,

everything is new, it has been renewed and aged at once. It astonishes me.

I am.
Life is.